In 1966, the US made health warinings mandatory on all cigarette packets after research linked the habit with a number of diseases. To win ?100 tell us, when did Britain ban smoking in public spaces?
8 Across - Which actor and director of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Shackleton - grew up in poverty? (turns 47 tomorrow) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 Across - Which American actor -...
12 Across - Climbing plant or tree of tropical and warm regions named after two French herbalists (8) _ _ _ H _ N _ A 27 Across - A millet, Eleusine coracana, much grown in India, Africa etc (5) R _ _...
10 a Wasat someones service or disposal ----R-D 19a Applies solder to two lengths of lead piping with a piece of cloth or leather ---P-S 4D Follower of a former president of Egypt (serving from 1956...
20 across - Debauched, depraved - I have D.S.D... 18 down Mythical creature. I have ...C.E. I feel stupid not knowing these so PLEASE help a stupid person