14A satellite of saturn discovered in1898 P-O- - -.8D weed of the genus digitaria which takes root freely in gardens -R- - R-S- and is 39D yank? many thanks in advance, Marbert.
can anyone help with the following 15a proverb illustrating the need for unity 6,2,5,7,2,4 4d what a black coffee is to a drunkard ?O?E?I?G 13d settled in a habit ??V???R??? also can anyone recommend...
25) City in Northeast England (4) 2) Time not long past (10) 3) 20th-century Hungarian composer (Surname) (6) 8) Critical time on which much depends (6,2,5) 15) 20th-century children's author (4,6)...
my son wants an unusual pet, like a snake or reptile. it will be at his dad's so I don't mind what it is! my son is 11 and relatively sensible! does anyone have any suggestions? any advice re up-keep...
8) Celestial beings (8) 11) Number that goes precisely into a number that is four times bigger (6) 17) Compose - in print (7) 2) Norwegian city (6) Thanks
Hi everyone, I have 2 left to complete and would really appreciate your help if you can spare the time please :) 92ac Descriptive Music (4,7) T _ N _ / P _ C _ U _ E Could it be Tune/Tone Picture????...
10a What we should all aim to eat? 8,4 ?????c?d ?i?t 2d Reciprocated? ?e???i?ted 1d Systematised collection of information? ?a???a?e I'd be very grateful for help - thank you