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Last clue , I hope, though I bet I have some of the other answers wrong. I still can't track down the person in 32c who during Lunch with the FT swore when told which football team the FT's editor...
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Help with 1b which is a picture of the dismantling of an art instillation in a square in front of an old building. I know this will only be of relevance to those who have the actual picture in front...
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8d too hard to follow 50 short words l???r? t?f? This should be easy but I've no idea but ? stuff at the end , any clue gratefully received
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13a an archaic word meaning equip ?e?i?h? I've found the word dight which means to equip so could this be redight though I can"t find it in any of my dictionaries...
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8/1 a Drunk's selfishly incapable of working ?o? ??? ?o r?? ? ??e?? ???l? I am presuming it's something like too ? to run a ? ? ? but the more I try the less it makes sense, can anyone help?...
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9a a demon found in both Paradise Lost and the Faerie Queene ?e?o?o?g?n I can't find the answer on the net, I think the other letters are correct
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26a mathematician caught ship o?l?r ... is this oiler? only I have no idea why. Also 8d main film without dialogue ultimately is most sordid s?r?i?s?t... is this sorriest but again can't properly...
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5d an aetheistic cult based on the belief that humans originated from alien scientists who came to earth in UFO's r?e?i?n? I've not had any joy in looking this one up, anyone out there who's an expert...
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Anagram of an unusual fruit ADEGJNOT , has anyone any clue what this might be....
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Years ago on radio 4 women's hour they read " poem to an aborted child" I have never been able to find more information on this, does anyone have any more details that would allow me to track it down....
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5d extortionate money demanded by a landlord r?h? r?n?, is this ruhr rent, I can't think of anything to fit in
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6d top of hill inspires wonderment- looking down on it h?w?s , I though Hawes but can't see why one would look down on it.?
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9d Cockney's pen joins things up ?t?n? any help gratefully received
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No 29 Clint Eastwood and Rowan Atkinson a] both survived plane crashes b] both are allergic to cats c] both have appeared on stamps in Paraguay I think a] but although R A took over the controls of a...
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I'm having trouble with the anagram ILTENSSOP ? post lines stop lines, any help gratefully received
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Has anyone tried the puncture proof Tannus tyres, are they worth the outlay . I use my hybrid bike for around town cycling.
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17a free soldiers skirting grass f??t?s any help gratefully received I think this week's been particularly obtuse
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5d metal figure's wings, symbolically i?o? is this iron as in metal or icon as in symbolically, and how do I parse it ?
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31a a living organism b?o?t can't think of anything to fit
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Does anyone know when times of birth were added to birth certificates when the birth is multiple. One of the questions asked in the 1911 census was how many children had been born to the parents and...

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