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24a he had to follow chap returning frustrated.... I've seen this answered as dashed, I can get the he had part but why is the first part das ? is dished a word because the chap returning could be...
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Not having much success today is 1a labour in vain ? a party about nothing's a profitless effort and any ideas about 8d BP maybe has a million taunts endlessly thrown, it's 13 letters and I've only...
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10a by which you'd make ready carry on labour ?a?e ?o?k , face book would fit in but doesn't seem right, is the second word work? any help gratefully received
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22a meals e's providing for kids ?e?s?s I thought it could be feasts but can't work out why. Thanks in advance for any explanation or help.
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Sorry last question should be 3, 4, 3,6 I forgot to put that in
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12/19 superior but lacking class? not round 'ere reportedly ?o? c??? f?r s?h?o? ,I'm thinking it must be something to do with school but not sure what, thanks in advance for any help.
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4d one associated with French appeal beneath society ?a?n?e?s , any help and reason for answer would be gratefully received, thanks
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22a goddess explaining how to begin aerobics ?????e or possibly ???e?e any help gratefully received plus explanation if poss thanks
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26d old farmer's dog showing no signs of affection b?e? I've no idea, any help and explanation would be gratefully received. Thanks...
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eye pencil sases OK for children h?b is this hib as in the vaccination? any reason gratefully received
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4d, isolated part of UK where satellite not available i?n?, is it iona but if so why ,thanks in advance
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country amending engineer's conclusion ?r?n?i Brunei fits but I can't see why, thanks for any help and explanation
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gold coin for [apparantly] about one shilling ?o?i? d?r , any suggestions gratefully received thank you
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italian with intelligence and no hooks inserted n?n?i? could it be nuncio, but why, any help gratefully received thankyou
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Local paper pure description of what short-sighted observers do ! s?o? ?e?s any help gratefully received, thanks in advance...
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6d offensive force that's friendly with a bit of backbone ?a? m?c?i?e the only thing that seems to fit is fax machine but I can't see why, any help gratefully received, thank you.
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Thanks cruciverbali , it took me a minute or so but I've worked out why phew!
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24d head on arm bottom in the air....a?o?t , is the answer aloft and if so why?
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I have several old story tapes we still play on our car tape recorder, many now don't play freely they seem to run more and more slowly then stop completely and also the auto play at the end of the...
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42a locate connections of 47a with other answers, I've got spittle for 47a and s?t? is it site or situ and why? thanks in advance.

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