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13d "One is given if 17 starts"..... 17 is " capital letter".......only answer I can see is "goalkeeper", as checked letters are. - .o.l.e.p.r - football has 17 laws? Can someone please parse this????...
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Top trainer was left out in the street 4 letters T??E...
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Younger celebrity introduces Rolling Stones (6) _E_Y_S Ship's commander extremely outspoken at first (3, 6) T_ _/_A_T_ _ First stage? Beginner allowed (5) L _ _ _ L...
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Last 2: 4D Rome's focus; capital PM banks (6) H - A- - - (might be H - A - S -) 13D Bread-and-butter & board (6) - - O - E - (might be O - O - E -) 12A Pearl's degrees (6) W - - - - - (if WISDOM, then...
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Muslim wrapping outside of engine (8). ???????N In the Black Death all ingested fungi,possibly (6). ??????...
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davey b
Affirmative snake N?J? It looks like NAJA which is a snake but where is AFFIRMATIVE?
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Drug mules first in run-of-the-mill turns to get through barrier..6 letters..?S???E Roast lamb is often rolling in it.....6 letters....?I?T?? Clubs mostly tolerate some one brash....4 letters...C???...
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Sorry fellow cruciverbalists, I posted the wrong clue!! Squeal from kid that's slapped (9) _U_W_T___ The other one is correct though and the first letter of it is the 8th letter o tht answer to this....
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Can anyone help with these two? 9ac " Man's aggrieved feeling about endless inclination? " P?I???. (Is it pained? can't see why though). And 6 down "Decisive fact left out, leading to...
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23d) Watered port drunk up by Glow-worm (5) M???? 26a) Mister Satie more imperfectly played (8) A?????E? Many thanks for any help....
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7D. Series of numbers where each is the sum of the previous two: F-b-n c-i....
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I am one clue short for both these puzzles The sport one is the name of a rugby player(6) ?R?M?S The wee stinker clue has two words(6,6) Clue it redeems Iago's core I think the first word is silver as...
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3d except if (6) -e-s 4d underground prison (7 d------ 7d past (6) -e-o-- 25d shines like silver (6) c---m-nter Further Question Details Here......
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Evening all, just one left......... 1a legislator from european parliament in service (6) d - p - t - I think its deputy, but can't figure out how this fits with the clue.....can anyone enlighten me?...

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