damages panels one's left propping up home (7) letters stayed in bed to preserve muscle that's admired (9) company appearing doubly in need of a drink (5) game involving cards shown by the French...
19d 7 letters Vicar: ‘One must sit in seat in church and look ahead” I have p?e?i?w Is it preview and if so why? 3d 4 letters ignore odd bits of dung and clay being unsightly. I have u?l?. Is it...
29d Non - existent state that's found at high altitude(4,3) ? thin air. T??? a?r
Many thanks
Also Dosh for large animal (4) Is it Rhino? r???o
Many thanks...
18d scholarly study taken up following work of shakespeare l?a???d
24a one's work is boring t???e?l?r
23d raise suggestions for means to roast meat ?p?t...
15a Comprehensively added everything carried outside (8) t?t?l?e?
18a Against current university student group holding power (8) ?p?t?e?m ? upstream
Thanks in advance for any help....