Want to buy a new laptop. Want something reasonably good but not all singing and dancing as we now use other devices. My wife will use it for presentations. Tend to stick a high volume of photos and...
Can anyone explain to me please why my land-line ordinary (not special) phone starts to 'fade away' very soon after connection until I cannot hear the caller?. They can apparently hear me perfectly....
Many people of my generation (born 1940s) still refer to post-toilet activity as "pulling the chain" although these days it never involves such an action. E.g. Have you pulled the chain ? What other...
Hi not sure what the problem is but my netbook has died on me if i plug charger in it doesnt light up on netbook and no power seems to be getting to it.ive tried a different charger and nothing except...
I am finding it impossible to remove this from my computer. When I try to uninstall it gives a window that says Tarma Installer setup initialization error. I have googled and there seems to be no real...
In the negatives and positives threads, the 10 commandments have been mentioned. Who has one or more of the commandments? 1. You shall have no other gods but me. 2. You shall not make unto you any...
Just an observation.... but isn't it refreshing to see an eloquent articulate teenager posting in here, I refer to Sharingan who from reading previous posts I gather is fifteen years old. When you see...
a question for the theists. (for ' god' read 'any and all gods') If there is a god, he's certainly had a good innings - he's has almost total devotion for centuries. well now, he hasn't any more......
Why when things are coming to an end are they said to "PETER" out and not fred or arthur out and why when things are floating are they said to "BOB" up and down in the current and not jim or bill, are...
Good morning A/Bs can anyone please advise me regarding Passion flower plants I have a north facing wall, my question is would Passion flowers grow happily in this aspect??. Thanks in advance. Rick...
I'm trying to send an email but the 'send' option on my hotmail has disappeared.
The place where it's usually located, along with 'reply/forward' has been replaced with a Avira toolbar?...
In the following sentences which one is correct? He wrote to the Times. (only the word Times is in italics) He wrote to The Times ( both words are in italics) PS Why doesn't Answerbank do italics??...
Hi Folks, Just having a bit of a tidy up on desktop and clicked on "Browser Choice" and was met by all the usual ones and this new one I've never seen before called Maxthon Browser. Two quick...
Afternoon, In an attempt to get more people to sign up to AB, we're going to try out a prompt for users who aren't signed in or signed up. Non-members, and those not logged in will be displayed a...
I answered your request but I have not yet received an answer from you. You typed, "If you're using firefox, go to firefox > add-ons and see if there is anything you don't remember installing." List...