1d. Such pomosity is not a front (4) ??D? 1d. They employ various holds in their work (8) ????P?O? 5d. Journey taken for a very good reason (10) ????R???G? 14a Threaten the devil with something...
18a. Ah, see that owl let out on a friday night? (3,4,4,4,) ?C? ??T? L?T? S?O? 12/21a. Wee folk pay no property tax for this patch! (5,4) ?A?R? R?T? 19d. Salt of the earth is she who digs you...
15a. Doubtless, one wouldn't be (9) U???????N
16d. Study on leave in Afrca (5) ??N?I (sinai?)
14d. He's not an expert, professionally speaking (6) ???m?n (layman?)...
OK Just got back from my Doctor... he has prescribed me Microgynon Contraceptive Pill...?! I confirmed with him that I am 43 years old, he said this will be fine and will regulate my cycle and the...
6d. Bigger fiddles will produce bloomers! (6)????A? 2 &14d. (7,7) Their progress on the track is closely followed by their coaches ??????? ?N?I?E? 12a. Contest between two groups using blades (4-4)...