Could I please have some help with these clues. 2d I'd rejected 'false miracles' in get-out clause (10) 3d Brave princess first to finish bran tub(5,3) 7d CO in sprawling camp at Delhi's baffled...
having a bad day today! 1a pointless exercise faces sport 4,4 M?A?G?M? assume it's game 13a saint is unpleasant ? About the exact opposite 10 could it be antilogous? don't get it! 10a beat Dutch smoke...
8d. The body/mind relationship in film: the film is different without love(13). ?S?C?O?H?S?C? Psychophysics? I know this fits the definition and 'Psycho' is a film,but don't get the wordplay. Also 7d....
Six left please and have been on it virtually all day 4d - sailor tossed about in sea preached good behaviour 11a - women produce them in old London museum 15 a - Are they presceribed for energey...
last few 24a right in touch 4 ??A? 25avowel:what's over it surrounding it 5I?I?? 16d argument about dog having dropped a long thing that might spoil the carpet?8 R?I?E?? 24dlay down what's worh 10 in...
never done this before so need help please! 23a film director sidneyruns into opinion not entirely concerned with how much space available 10 ?O?U???R? 22a man in top command 6 ????S? 6d shattered...
I've got the answer to the seminal clue, i.e. 13d and 20 a, but I'm blowed if I can get the idea of all the many clues referring to that answer. ( I think 13d and 20 acroos is "ask a stupid question")...