Other members' expertise required again ! The word TUB in bold capital letters, with what appears to be a line of orange flames all the way above it. I'm sure somebody will know...
The letters I S H, increasing in size (small medium and large), and looking as if they are being blown by wind from left to right. Those are on the left of the box, with a plain horizontal... ...
Difficult to describe, this one ! The word REVOLUTION, formed into a tight circle,
reading anticlockwise, and with each of the letters back to front ! Any ideas, please ?...
Odd one this, no real clues at all ! Do the letters AU refer to gold (normally Au) ? AURPM AURPM Medium sized capitals ; nothing more to say, really ! Any ideas, friends and colleagues ? Thanks...
. CANBERRA . LONDON . OSLO . MADRID . TOKYO Presumably 'capital' is in the answer somewhere or another. Should also say that the dots in front of each name are much larger, and in the centre of the...