1 down Versatile player daft men abandon 10 letters (3-3-4) 12 across member of working group due to change in transition, possibly thirteen letters (5-8) 11 down subject to possible revision, feed...
32a Government report, the first step in a possible change of legislation (5,5) ???E? PAPER 33d ............ island, formal name of the state in 24 (5) ??O?E 16a Wife of Odysseus in Homers odyssey (8)...
heya stuck final few,
6d. Beethoven symphony choral N?N?H
12d. William Wordsworth, Sam Taylor Coleridge ?A?E?O?T?
28a. City Coast of Belgium ?S?E?D
Kind Regards,
Stuck on one - cannot figure it out a all - Flying condon and wren lose rook - that's frabjous say! (5,4) N?N?E ?O?D pretty sure the letters I have are correct - thought it was an anagram of the two...