Hi all Hopefully I'm not treading on Mintyman's toes but as I know a number of people enjoy The Spectator crossword I have saved a pdf of it and can email it out to interested parties. To save me...
3d. Measure of fluxapplication in constant speed of light(5),C?S??. 13ac. Scottish mob and family crowd brawl(11) ??A?R???R??. 6d.Run out in a hurybefore partner shortened sweeper's game?(9)....
Not sure of last one so help needed.10d.Chef(RN) cooked,and not old bits of service stodge- haute cuisine quality(10),?RENC?NE?S. I think its "frenchness" or "frenchnews" which...
Explanation for 26ac.please.28 required for bricks?(5).S?R?W. The answer to 28 is 'berry',so the answer should be 'straw', giving 'strawberry' when combined. How does 'bricks' enter the mix?
I am finding it impossibe to download the Giant GK crossword today on the Telegraph site. I can download all the other crosswords.
Is anyone else having the same problems?...
2d Work with energy to break up rising damp (5) ? N ? A ?. 14d Bootleg films of it are banned (3-6) ???,??M?T?. 18a TV presenter helps prince out (4,7) ?H??, ?P?N?E?
2d. Read A. Campbell,spinning-dab with this art,pal? Possibly(7). RE?LA??.
17ac.Sharks netted by first-rate chieftains(7).A?A??S?. Help appreciated....
Bogged down with this week's-kickstart please. 9d.Film around empty disposable dish.(1,7,2,4). ? ?U? D? S?U?F?E. Thinking its something 'de souffle'. Also 2d. Such yarns involved being unclothed? (7)....
2down,last one please.The former President keeps unity up in early retirement(8). RE?RA?C?. I think its RETRAICT, an old term for retirement, but don't get the wordplay. Advice appreciated.
Explanation for last one please. 31d. She disposed of fragmented radioactive waste(4). ?RUD. The answer appears to be CRUD but how does this match the wordplay?
Stuck on two. 29ac.Combination of ale and nuts making one come apart once?(7) ANL??T?. 22d. African farm dance enthralling Henry(6),S??MMA. Help and explanationappreciated.