Would like to check three answers please. 25d.Morning dash?Yes!(4)?M?N. 17d.Supply British monarch with body protector(8) ?R???R?R. 24ac.Prosperous middle age flitting past(5)??D?N. The first letter...
Stuck on two and unsure of one. Advice appreciated please. 14ac. Proceed to look up, with prurient intent?(6) G?N?L?. 18d. Flits all over the place in small band(8)?E?T?I?E. 21d.Was at ones best...
Reassurance please. One left. 6d.Writer keen on recycling old material?(3) E?O. Is it 'eco' as in umberto eco, the writer? If not, advice appreciiated.
Confirmation for 12d. please. Join vessel,bringing aid to navigation(7).S?A?A?K. I've put "sealark", seal=join and ark=vessel. Is this right?.Also, Im not 100% on 5d. Broken...
stuck on one and unsure of another so help please. 7d. Ziegler involved with new composer(7)?E?R?N?I. Also 12d. Ben's posthumous curse against fire god(10) E?E?R?T?O?. Is it 'execration'?.
1) A dandy or fop in france (4) 2) some err differently for repentance (7) 3. Is it in the chalets they get the schoolbag (7) 4) Ply etc. to show how named in olden times (6) 6) The end in greek (5)...
1d.Reputation supported by award? One shows disbelief.(8)F?C?P?L?. I'm thinking'facepull'. 11ac.New job advert(9).P?O?O?I?N. 'Promotion'?. The letter P in both is in the same square so is unchecked...