Just can't get 8 down. Help please.Yet another demo about 1970s drama(5,2,3,4). E?E?Y?T?H???O?..
Help with 22ac. as well please.
Learned about unknown island(8). A???R?E?....
Confirmation with two please .36ac.Process of converting a filmed motion picture into video for broad on television(8). T?L??I?E. Isi it 'televise?. 26d. Raised road or path through an expanse of...
Still stuck on some- help appreciated .17ac. One trying locally in redevelopment to just direct dig (8,5). D?S?R?C?????E.
14d. A daughter marrying next door(9) A???I?IG...
17a. Mostly good for heredity analysis, but not specific(7).Is it generic?
23d. DJ initially just seen spinning plates (6).J?N???.
28ac. Escaped on the wrong track, heading off.(6). ??U?E?....
Help please for three. 10a. Duly adjusted to include as a round figure (8).R?T?N???. 7d. Nasty red mark round bottom of stool(6). ?T???N. 16a. with lip bust, as put on jury(7) ?M?A?E?. Is it Empanel...