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I have wondered for a while now. When a woman says she made love to a woman or lost her virginity at what point has she lost it. obviously with woman and bloke there is full penetration and then they...
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My 3 yr old little girl still has to have everything blended at meal times. She refuses to eat pretty much anything if its not blended!!
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Anyone have any ideas of shocking films famous actors have been in. Part of a quiz a friend's setting up. I have 2 so far: George Clooney - Revenge of the Killers Tomatoes Jennifer Aniston -...
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You told us 6pm!! Gee thanks
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When I was four or around that age I attended a nursery were appon the intirer group of (30?) kids all sitting on a mat were shown the film Watership Down. From what I remember the intier mat was a...
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The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary is a great song. What are you listening to now?
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how long was his tounge?
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I have another clue I need help with - band or solo artist. 'Part man, part spider, part smelly animal'. I thought it might be skunk anansie - but I am not sure
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Phil Taylor was in our local last night as we live near him. My boyfriend was over the moon as he is obsessed with every sport. What we were saying is isn't it weird how Phil taylor who is prob the...
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How did Roadrunner get it's name
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like tony blackburn??????
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i watched a programme last year about "missing millions" of pop stars such as t-rex and bay city rollers and what they actually recieved themselves was very little, it transpired that the artists...
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What's the name and funtion of the dangly bulb-like thing at the back of your throat?
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I really don't like Coldplay, I find there music depressing and repetative. I find not many people agree with me however, what is the general opinion?
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I was looking at an old post a while ago and people were talking about a reply that he had left, (that obviously had been there) I thought peoples posts only vanished if they left ?...
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Good morning all Just to let you know, because of a glitch on my PC, I've had to re-register, so I am now andy-hughes - otherwise, all is as it was before. I'm announcing because of the plethora of...
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Why do my kids always fight? They are 10 and 8, girl and boy and the girl (10) is pretty mild-mannered and even-tempered. The trouble is, my son just seems to go out of his way to annoy her. Its...
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ok, this question is designed to provoke thought, it is not necessarily my personal opinion.... Following on from the execution of Tookie Williams, and the overall debate of right or wrong.... What...
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I had a discussion with a taxi driver about what one could do re. working or living in sky scrapers, should you have to jump out of the window to save yourself. Surely all floors over a certain height...
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Can you milk a pig? If so, why can't you get Pig's cheese/butter etc?

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