Does anyone know where this week's Viewfinder is, please? "This state capital is dwarfed by a more famous neighbour, but has a wealth of historic sites and natural attractions. On an inlet named...
Stuck on two.... 11a Wit of a dry, delicate and refined quality (5,4) A?T?C ?A?T 13a In ecology, a small area that supports its own distinctive community (7) B?O?O?E Could this be BIODOME ??? Thanks...
37d The nature of being compassionate to other beings - I'm thinking HUMANATE but I've never come across this word before. Can anyone confirm or correct?
Last one ... tired brain seems to have died. All help gratefully received. Thank you
13a Honest? Possibly, cutting Ace to win [2,3,4] o? the ?o?e
I'm assuming that 4d is ragwort...
Last one, having a senior moment.
13D resigned philosophical statement 3,4,3
I have - ?o? c?n? w?n. I think last two words are 'cant win'
thanks in advance...
11a A system of land-tenure in the Indian sub-continent (10) -A-Y-T-A-I 7d A revolution in India, Pakistan etc. (7) I-Q-L-B 16d A could of gas, ash and rock fragments close to the ground released by a...
1d: Latin phrase used in literature meaning "see as above" (4,2,5) Is it vide ut supra? 12d: The point of minimum cross-section of fluid flow from a nozzle (4,9) v-n- c-n-r-c-a ..... is it...
Stuck on last two ... 1a swallow mushroom, it turn .... a?c?p? is this 'accept'? don't see the mushroom connection 24d leader of gourmets turned up excellent port .... g?n?a is this 'genoa' many...