I don't have a bf but I want opinions. Would you be annoyed if your bf/gf shared their bed with one of their friends of the opposite sex? And as g/f or b/f yourself would you feel comfortable enough...
You were the cute blonde girl with blue eyes standing next to me this morning. I got in at 08.25 at woodford and you got off at stratford. Wish I wasnt shy enough to talk to you in front of everyone...
I'm a fairly outgoing person but go through periods where I blush no matter who it is thats talking to me. The more I think about it the more I blush. Its really annoying me, does anyone else have...
I have a lot of vouchers for a department store and want to buy a few things that I can sell on ebay. But I wasnt sure what sort of items sell the best/easiest/fastest?
The petrol gauge does not drop to zero when the engine is off. Is it faulty or is this normal? Im sure previous cars I've had have gone to zero then moved when the engine is switched on.
dnt know if im on right sight. butb does any one know if you take cocain or cannibis. how lon does it stay in system. if police want to take a sample of my blood or urine . or hair
Cracked and broke off half a back tooth. Despite trying a repair, my dentist has told me I needed a crown and booked me two appointments. When I got home, I thought, hang on a minute, how much is that...
Hi all, I'm 20 years old and have just had fixed braces applied (on Monday) in preparation for surgery to move my lower jaw forward. I hate them so much; they're painful, look hideous and make me feel...
My husband has never dream since we have been together, (5years). Tiday he called me and told me a dream he had for the first time..It was about a little blonde hair curl top girl. He could not see...
on thurs 24th jan i received a parking ticket for stopping on a restricted street while waiting for my brother to get a box from my dads office. the attendant was issuing the ticket and then my...
I live in the bottom end of a close,both my neighbours park there 2nd car at the end of there drive which blocks the pavement and sticks out into the road therefore narrowing my driveway entrance is...
If you reverse into a parking space and another car nips in it who is at fault if you hit each other if the car reversing has indicated and has its reverse lights on
Is it standard practice for motor insurers to demand back premiums if undisclosed speeding points are discovered? A friend originally unaware of the legal position disclosed to her insurer 3 points...
thanks for your answers. Is it a grey area? One person tells me - 14 year olds are unable to consent to sex with Adults. Therefore the adult is breaking the law. The other person says , because a...