Good morning everyone - so far it's a nice calm Monday, the weather's fine and no major dramas looming long will it last ? Monday has a horrible habit of nose diving into chaos in this house,...
Good morning everyone ...well after something of a delay, we can now get our game up and running, with grateful thanks to aelmpvw and Big Mac, who have provided both the clues and the link words for...
Good morning everyone - typical mad Spring weather, downpours followed by very windy but long fine breaks ....all the bulbs are getting flattened and the almond blossom wiped out in a couple of days...
Good morning everyone - well one minute, it is, then the next it's awful...again ! The sun shines, turn your back on it, and it's teaming !! And mixed in with all of that, I'm coughing myself silly,...
Good morning everyone - a bit on the wild and woolly side here today, windy and warm, but with more rain to come ....Winter's not done with us yet. Not too sure about today's links, think they'll be...
Good morning everyone - lovely mild sunny day here, for the second day running - definitely getting outside if just to sit in it for a while ....I'm sure it won't last too long and we'll be back to...
Good morning everyone - not a good day for venturing outside, the rain and wind have returned, so happy to stay out with some coffee and the crossword ..someone mentioned Spring but a bit unlikely for...
Good morning everyone - happy to say I'm right back in the hot seat, everything working beautifully, and outside the sun is shining and it's quite mild ....once in a while we get some Winter weather...
Good morning everyone - I'm back ....well I think I am, though it didn't look all that promising earlier today. Still unable to access the lovely big crossword, so I've had to rely once again on...
Elongated tooth of an elephant, walrus, wild boar, warthog or narwhal - TUSK ----- Falls, the highest, uninterrupted cascade of water in the world - ANGEL Rural dwelling such as any of the ones...
Just a heads-up for everyone - I'm sorry but the Links will have to go into hibernation for the month of June. As most of you know, Mr Seekeerz is not in the best of health and this, in addition to...
Good morning everyone - our predicted sunny day seems to have lost its way and the also predicted spell of rain seems about to arrive any minute ...worst thing, it's brought the humid and sticky stuff...
Good morning everyone - Autumn is certainly here with very little likelihood of any hot days for the time being.....we've had quite a lot of rain in the past few days and a couple of nippy mornings -...
Good morning everyone - well we've nose dived right into the cold and wet stuff and already people are complaining ....geez we're a fickle lot, never satisfied. I'm quite happy though, the water tanks...
Good morning everyone - well I think, err at least I hope, the hot stuff has left for another year and the cool and pleasant sunny days are here for a while they're complaining there hasn't...
Good morning everyone - enjoying a couple of beautiful days here, warm, sunny, light breeze, and the Hills leaves are just gorgeous the nights are getting nippy - great for sleeping...
Good morning everyone - looks like we're in for a few very pleasant days for the next little while helps while school holidays are on, just don't plan any shopping !! Before we go to the links...
Good morning everyone - well I think Winter has arrived !! Skipped straight from hot at the beginning of the week though to rain (very welcome) and strong winds ( these I can do without !!). No wonder...
Good morning everyone - lovely sunny mild Autumn day, boy do we need some rain, but otherwise ....perfect !! Driving through the Hills yesterday and the colours are coming along beautifully, best time...
Good morning everyone - and so far, it's been very pleasant, none of the predicted rain ( though we need it badly ) just cool and sunny, and most enjoyable. Very 'agricultural' little bunch, today.......