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Good morning everyone - it's absolutely gorgeous here today, and has been the same for all last week almost makes me wish i was holidaying somewhere over Easter ....we rarely get good weather around...
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Good morning everyone - well we've had some lovely rain and a warm week coming up so the weeds will be jumping out of the ground very soon !! Pity flowers don't do the same :(( Now for the links -...
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Would appreciate help with final clue! 22d. Growth in Ireland that comes between two and four. (4) I have ?R?E...
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All help appreciated The Week 9a- Plane tree finally last under agreement (8) x x x C x x x E 23a- Into which desperate Ida leaps when wanting to pee! (6) x A x x x S Brain in total meltdown, all help...
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Good morning everyone - a bit warm and windy but it will cool right down in a day or so .....just as well, who needs a burst of hot weather just when you're breaking out the bed sox !! Nothing...
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Good morning everyone from a grey and rain-soaked South Oz, we're all egging the clouds on, to keep up a steady downpour ....there's no wind which is fantastic so Autumn is definitely !!! For the...
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Good morning everyone - having some beautiful early Autumn weather here, the days are lovely and the nights are getting cooler ....I'll be looking for my bedsox very soon, I love this time of the year...
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Good morning everyone - yes I’m jumping the gun a bit - just thought in do the spade work for Danny when he comes along & we can go straight into the game ......
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Would appreciate help with final clue. 24d. Member following hospital injury. (4) I have ?A?M...
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Good morning everyone - cool and overcast today and luckily the wind has dropped's been blowing strongly for the past few days, no good to man or beast !! Ok now for the links ... BELT COOL...
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Would appreciate help with final clue. 31a. Money on a plate? (3) I have T?N...
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Would appreciate help with final clue. 20d. Reindeer herds racing around Alaska principally. i have D?S?E?...
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Would appreciate help with final clue. 15d. Day off, gardening working irking. (8) I have A?G?R?N?...
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Would appreciate help with final clue. 23a. Supports singer keeping finale in tune.(5) I have B?S?S...
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Would greatly appreciate some help. 22d. School used to be for indistinct sounds. (6) I have ?C???? 24d. Teachers right away try fruitcake. (5) I have N????...
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Would appreciate help with final clues. 14a. Southern staff caught out all there.(4) I have S?N? 5d. It's time to support Prince William perhaps. (4) I have P?T?...
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Need help , please, with the final clue. 10a. Credit deception not right. (4) I have T?C?...
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Would appreciate some help . 8d. Senior US officer, transformed from cruel sergeant.(7,6) 13a. Where rents go, strictly speaking. (2,3,6)...
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Would greatly appreciate help with final clues. 10a. Type of seat I'll get one on after parking. (7) I have P?????N 2d. Conservative one to admit reckless lie? Could be Johnson.(5) Ihave E???A 3d....
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I would appreciate help with the final two clues. 23a. Illegal activity in group together British rejected.(6) I have ???K?T 19d. Salt in the main goes with chow perhaps. (3,3) I have S?? ?O?...

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