8a/ 23d. Such is the scrounger that'd have your house and spouse on account of the bounder(4,6)???e ?????? 27a. Like an Irish drink made from spuds?Danke schön, got it.(8)s?????p? 29a. Worth a... ...
10a Burnt ashes remain therein, though off the table in any in, if found out. ???T?A?S 11a Aren't smarter phones a must to describe today's techies on the corporate ladder U??????? ??B?L? 16d No,... ...
thanks for previous answers 20afor is this not a declarationof Trumps christian conversion?the devil it is (10)?n???????t 26d for the one who succceeds on high..(4)??i? 24d ..as heaven is to human... ...
(4)(4) wise guys eh ? Yeah smart alecs. ????/?l??. And second clue???n/???? Big test to write perhaps but read like a facile mouthpiece .any answers please?.
Help needed please Rte Guide Crossword 10 6 down. 3, 5. Beforing finally imparting, impart a few words before. Looks like pre teach, but I think I'm wrong Many thanks in... ...
Help needed please Rte Guide Crossword 44 7 down Just go bananas, given the time & crack that's in it! 4 letters ? u ? s Could it be fuss? Many thanks in advance
I am stuck with 21/22a, need help please.Early arrival on a parallel universe... for anyone who doesn't make it on time. (4,5) l?t? ?o?u? ~ looks like late ?o?u?.Thanking you
Nick the name of Cillia Murphys most recent portrayal?(4)letters. Next 8 letters ?o?e???n wherever one comes from oh...two men returned to it. Assist please.