S. Tel. Cryptic 2789 3d (4-9): Wagner's beginning with his masterpiece about old Russian woman dreaming. I have w?o?- j?t?e?i?g.
Please help, thank you!...
I am trying to obtain a CD version of Captain Beaky and His Band. Have tried Amazon & Ebay, but no use. Any suggestions please.
Many thanks,
Jersey, C.I....
Help please.. 5d.. Articles about singular sanctimonious luvvie (8) I have T?E?P??? and 15a Bouncer, perhaps,quick to stand by dance (4,4) I have ???TBALL. ? Fast Ball? Please explain, thank you.
Last two.. 4 dn ' Mountain with limited height, a first in a series' A?P?A
21 Ac 'Through listening, recognises dissident expressions' N?E?
I just cannot see these!...
Brain failure today! Help please... 1 across 'Worthy Lib Dem minister embraces right change'. 27 across ' Go round Irish head - finally see beautiful mineral'.
Thanks in anticipation....