2d. Green growth finding resistance in a sort of pit c-e-- (5)
12a. Bit of luck is seen in this gesture -i-- (4)
20.a Dear place? It's reportedly beyond river R-T- (4)...
16a Shrimp like marine crustacean of the order Euphausiacea (5) _ r _ l _ 29a Native people of North America and Greenland (6) _ n _ u _ t 43a Greater London borough on the Thames (11) _ e _ t _ i _ s...
18a It`s made in a churn (4) ??a?
22a I withdrew, then had a meal- to get thin (8)??a???t?
21d bird`s taken off from motorway with something on leaf (6) ???r?b...
8a Told, but possibly not needing to be (8) ?????M?? 9a Measure of a patio (4) 10a There's a lot he wants, obviously! (6) You get all types in this trade (8) ?R?????? 2d Gave encores naturally (6)...
Am finding this week's ten times harder than last week's!!! 4d Brownies, for example, as served with fresh cream (7) ??M???S and 15d Monica's in trouble, having a problem getting off (9) I am afraid I...
Hi stuck on last few. Can anyone help please. 8 down ascended into glory like christ (7) r - s - - 21 across gas present in air when monoxide or dioxide added (6) - - r - o - 21 down clasp (5) - - i -...
Please may I ask for your help with
no.34d Mad animal in the midday sun? Resist and it may give you a bite (3,3,5) S?? ?O? ??a?d
51d At weekend,always a spicy dish (5) s???y
With many thanks...
Big gay Ray goes to the doc's to get his test results. The doc say's, '' I'm sorry Big Gay Ray but you've got aids ! '' Big Gay Ray is devastated and asks the doc what to do. The doc says, '' Eat 1...
7d- bad clue i had for mathematician e?c??? 12a- repeatedly note fall thats reducing human resources 5,5 b?a?n ?r??? 19d- harrows first old boy and head mix socially ?o???b 22a- kind of yarn thats new...
Please can someone help with the last few. The answers are movie titles: 1 Start of a dog race (2 words) 2 Ernie Els? (3 words) 3 Run into forcefully (2 words) The following two are Towns in the UK 4...