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Do you think the only way to stop this happening is to take these people a few at a time, around the Covid wards and the morgue so they can see for themselves? Perhaps that isn't feasible but, perhaps...
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Can someone please explain why the teaching unions want to close schools? Would they be pleased if all health workers just downed tools and went home saying we'll be in touch online? Would they...
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We aren't, perhaps that's because we haven't been going out to shops etc and mixing with others, Christmas Day was an exception , the furthest I was in tier 3 was to the hairdressers and to have my...
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The Right Hon Jeremy Hunt was pulled up by the Speaker of the House of Commons during a video link today for his dress code, as he was wearing an open necked shirt against the dress code as directed...
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ToraToraTora It's all over bar the shouting, leave them to have a wee dram!...
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It's always the cherry and orange creams with us!
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Am I the only man not sporting a beard ! D...
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Sqad I cannot see the problem here as if the photograph wouldn't identify the woman involved and also everyone...
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Lorries backed up at Dover as the rest of Europe close their borders to us A mutant infection adding to a deadly pandemic And time running out for Brexit talks Good luck Boris , no other PM in peace...
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Morrisons is offering 10% discount to NHS workers, teachers and blue light workers. But what about others who have worked to keep services running throughout the pandemic? Bus and train drivers have...
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I feel just as childish as I ever did; I think I never grew up. How do you feel?
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Tier 3 rules are just plain stupid. We have friends who live adjacent to common land where it's legal to meet. However if we step 6 inches inside their garden gate to meet in their garden it suddenly...
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Just one question. If 2 separate counties are both in tier 3, can they visit each other over the Christmas period? I can't seem to find an update of the rules.
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Anyone else?...
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I cant be the only person that dislikes body hair? Men shave their face Women shave their armpits/legs (I shave my head but thats irrelevant) Some of us shave other body bits. Why? I find hairy...
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Just watching Greg Wallace on making M & S Christmas cakes. They use a posser. I remember my mother using a posser in a dollytub doing the weekly wash....
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Top of the list are the most vulnerable, mostly the elderly who are, in the main, isolating, but if as is reported the young are responsible for spreading the virus shouldn’t we be vaccinating them...
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New Judge
There are around 26 million people in the UK aged 50 and over (which I believe is the target age group for vaccinations at least initially). This week 130,000 (0.5%) of that number were vaccinated....
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God loves you. Shouldn't you love Him back?...
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….according to polling for the Royal Society for Public Health. //The RSPH chief executive, Christina Marriott, said the results of the polling were highly concerning but unsurprising. “We have known...

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