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Is Alicia Douvall sexy - If not, what type of girl do you go for?
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liverpoollou,lindapinda,dak,boo,johntheplamf,nfn,estie,cat,catwoman,dotty....and those ive forgotten...i love you guys!!!!
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 here's a quick joke your mothers so fat, she turns around and it's her birthday
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Arrived home to a fabulous chicken curry but i am so tired I've caught my arm on the kitchen door and spilt half of it down the door and over the dog,,,,,,,oh hum, such is life.........and since when...
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I have noticed on CB lately that someone has posted my love for Lindsey. It wasn't me, Honest. But whoever it was? They are very close to the truth. I want to use this thread to tell the world of CB...
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ELVIS 68 has NOT changed his name. He was ELVIS 68 this afernoon and now he is at work so I can safely say he is still ELVIS 68
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_____#####__________####_____ ____#_____#_#####__#____#____ ___#__###_##_____##__###_#___ ___#__##___________#__##_#___ ___#_____________________#___ ____#__#___##___##___#_##____...
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 ___,'_  "`-.        ,-'"`-.('"/"-.       /  ,-,.  `'      ,-'- /    / ...
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A gift for all ABers... (yes dot even you)           __#####_______________##__           ...
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if yer lookin for trouble.. yer come to the right place.... if yer lookin for trouble.. jus look right in my face.....     i was born standin up.....and talkin back..... hi...
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how is everyone 2night?
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I have been a fireman, a policeman, a racing car driver, a helicopter pilot, captained a jumbo jet, and a pirate ship and gone into space as an astronaut, what shall i do next? What is your ideal...
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hi everyone is it physically possible for men to refrain from masturbating?  I have known men to tell me in the past that they dont do it , they much prefer to have sex and to do it themselves is...
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i fell asleep again watching it so what happend at the end?? the last thing i saw was that young teenager having a row with that asian lady...and i remember that asian man complaining that he didnt...
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Who do you know who is famous. My Uncle knows Chubby Brown well
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Gosh! I wish I had some good skills. What skills are chicks really impressed with? Should I buy some Numchucks for example?
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I've just done a biochemistry practical experiment to find out how much bacteria was on my mobile phone by taking a sample and letting it grow. The results should be ready next week and given that...
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Has anyone got any exciting ideas for sandwich fillings please?

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