All clues relate to UK cities,towns and places: 1, connect of source of power 2, church leader 3, more than a puddle 4, a table game 5, where to go to check your eyes 6, Queen Bess's beau 7, tea... ...
All answers are music acts. Q1. This cocktail may keep you awake. Q2. Won't hold this load tight. Q3. Supports other protests. Any suggestions gratefully received. Thanks all.
Clues relate to bands or singers. Q1. Not what they appear . Q2. 10th and last. Q3. To maybe stutter . Q4. What a fighter would say? Q5. Even odds Q6. Surf brand's tune
Answers have connections with time and ways of measuring its passing. Q1. Bright colour (3,3) Q2. Keeps city time (9). Q3. Tautological wrist band (9) Q4 A worldly lifetime (8). Number in brackets is...
All answers contain words with connection to time and ways we meadure its passing. Q1. Bright colour (3,3) Q2. Ring your closest star (7) Q3. Freedom Czeched (6,6) Q4. Keeps city time (9) Q5. Progress...
Answers all jobs or occupations. Number of letters in answer in brackets. 1- a well mannered male (5) 2- works in swamps (9) 3- he decodes the crime (5,9,5) 4- stitches too small? (10) 5- results in a...
all clues relate to names of famous people. (first name initial in brackets) 1) A favourite desert (A) 2) Has appeal (G) 3) Poorly made (B) 4) Comical trade name (J) 5) Place to find African wildlife...
need help please.. all clues relate to names of famous people. Any suggestions please!! ( first name initial in bracket ) 1) A favourite desert (A) 2) Has appeal (G) 3) Poorly made (B) 4) Comical...
2 questions/clues about songs from 1980s q1) Rio Carnivals are full of this .... 11 letters q2) Dangerous in War ... 8,7 letters any suggestions please...
need some help please. all clues lead to answers that are songs. 1) from 1950s. I'll be okay on my own. 5,3,5,7,3 letters 2) from 1960s. Courting couples do this. 4,4,2,4 letters 3) from 1970s Gaudy...
hi stuck on 1 question in charity quiz.
the clue is ; From the key piece.
the answers has 8 letters and is the name of a tv programme.
any ideas anyone???
need help with music quiz please. 1, artiste/group from 1960s. anagram; I GIVE FILM -5 and 4 letters 2,artiste/group from 1960s, They sang about pushbikes- 8 letters 3, song/tune form 1960s, A...
sorry folks thought I had em all :(
this is last one. the answer is a main course and the clue is; Seek the favourite. answer consists of just 1 word which is 5 letters long.
thanks all...
Hi Just need help with acouple of answers. This is a starter, the clue is Saintly eggs. answer has 4 and 8 letters.( I think that Eggs Benedict is too obvious) Next is a main course, clue is...
I have 1 question on country music that I am not sure about the answer.. Name the artist. Sledge puller.. 6 and 6 letters. I put down Ferlin Huskie but I am not sure if huskie is spelled husky. Any...