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3A.Repeated ceremoney outside front of embassy highly thought of (10) R?I??N?T?? 21A. Communication signal from character at back of group (8) R???T??E 16D. Money section's last bit in church...
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18D. Fine looker in new make up capturing hearts, one idolised? (4,4) ?O?K /???O
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27A. Close circle poet cultivated to get valuiable object (10/5) ??????????/P???? Thank you...
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11D. Restrict soldiers before battle, producing series of events (5,8) ??A??/???C???? 13D. In awe of Sun's commercial transport (4,6)???R/?T?U?? 27A. Hid gear in broken amplifier (7,3) ?E?????/???...
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1D.Object found in circle, pocketed by girl (4) G??? 2D. Reserve ten, about right for a present , perhaps (4,5) B???/T???? 4D. Country lover quiet at rising (7) P?O?I?? Thank you...
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28A. Criminal hated brother's accepting of honour 5,2,3,4 ?R???/?O/??E/?A?? 6D. Briefs internatinal agency soldiers about communist uprising seizing power (10) U?D?R?A???...
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13A. Star writer with story about origins of cricket (8) ????A?LE 2D. In France good noise comes with good rapport(7) ?O?D??? Thank you...
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6 down. Poem unsettled Kabul leader 5/4 ?U?L?/K?E? Thank you...
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2D.It's forbidden for army to show disapproval(5) ???R? 4D. Makes family hide. (7) ???Y?I? Thank you...
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12A. Series about a chef who's cop is an impractical ideal (3,2,3,3) 3D. Property presenter kept sailor's lip from splitting (7,7) Sorry, no letters known. Thank you...
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8D. In secret I'd developed rash (10) I?D???R?L? 18D.Being sixteen, worried about Ecstasy E?V?????E 13A. Spells words (5) ??R?? 19A. Scout did sleep, so every other character lies close (7) C?D???S...
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10A.Model seduced outside church?Victor did it (9) S???????? 15A.Hesitated with female going to get changed (7) ??????D 17A. Animal runs over with energy-grass has come back ( 3,4) No letters, sorry....
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12A.Thing inserted in hose near location of fire (8,6)S?O???N?/C?L?E? Thank you...
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12A. Tinseltown broadcaster with excellent backing in country (6) L?T?I? 18D. Oz girl leads state (8) ?N?O?N?E Thank you...
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1A. Desmond-singer, (6) D???E? 4A. Natives of e.g. India (6) A?I?N? 2D. Communist organisation (5,5) ??M?R/????E Thank you...
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I cannot find the answer to the Wordfinder puzzle with the letters in the shaded areas givint the name of a TV show. The letters I have are as follows :- PTRGCT EOEO ELIG ERYN GS THANK YOU...
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57A. Actually like French fries containing carbon (2,4) E?/T?C? Thank you...
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16A. Tie fruit holding line for TV series (5,4) ?????/?A?E Thank you...
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5D. Long running programme is quaint as Sherwood might be 8/8 (No letters available) 36A. Not the first prize to be used by Mary Berry? 6/5 ??????/???O? Thank you...

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