Who have you met that has made an impact on your life! Who has done a good turn for you, been a friend in need! We met a couple on holiday quite a few years ago and have travelled with them since,...
But it seems that with the return of the chuckletroll twins (you know,the loud small one and the large scared quite one) That these normally nice peaceful threads have being infested and infected by...
Armydud freak. Well I see that you have been annoying my people on here again today. Now now I will have to have a word with your mummy and get her to put you to bed early with no marmite soilders for...
Hey guys, I've just finished writing a story about a family of four the mum dies of cancer, the dad then can't cope he abuses his kids then it gets to much he abandons them and then its how the...
I think this is ridiculous, we have had this pud for years without complaints. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2627503/Council-chefs-rename-Spotted-Dick-after-branding-its-name-too-rude.html...
This little boy died needlessly. The family said through a policeman that no-one was to blame. Has the mother not heard of child reins then? I am a mother of 3 and a grandmother of 3 so I am fully...
I am wading through The Prime Minister by Anthony Trollope. It is awful and not helped by voluminous notes, e.g. p113 "cup of cha" - vulgar, cup of tea, common amongst the lower classes of...
can anyone remember the name of a bottled beer sold for a while in the 80s(?) with about 1% alcohol. It was novel in that it listed the ingredients as it was technically a food not an alcoholic...