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Rain Man
My widowed mother is nearly 89 and now wishes that she had signed everything ( house and capital) over to me and my sister to avoid possible care-home costs. Does anyone know if this is now legally...
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if you could have one addition existing external body part what would it be?...
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very unpredictable weather!!
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My friend is having stupid phone calls. at first it was funny but then it got bit nasty, me and my friend have only known eachother few weeks and we dont no eachothers friends ect. but this person...
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Why would anybody steal from a Pound Shop?
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Cameron, I know they are all as bad, but! is this @rsol on the same planet as the public?
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Hello, I am stuck on the last 3 here goes 3d Oval shape produced when a cone is cut by an oblique plane that does not intersect the base (7 letters) 4d Flap on an aircraft wing that can be raised to...
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Wouldn't you just like to hear a human voice when you make a telephone call! Push buttons, Mumbai calling! Selling you products! Only Human contact is with the local Library when you ring to renew...
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The music is familiar but I can't place it.
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stopped the man to stroke the mut, thats a lovely dog you´ve got there. whats his name? porky, porky? why do you call him porky? wait for it... cuz he fukz pigs...
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I heard today that someone hit her in the street,... not in the news yet ... is it true ?? If it was in the mouth it might shut her up for a bit.
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A man takes his Rottweiler to the vet. "My dog's cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for him? " "Well," says the vet, "let's have a look at him" So he picks the dog...
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Ginger went to get me one this weekend. I've just found the receipt (emptying his pockets for the wash) 3k he spent....the nutter. I would rather have the What's the most you would spend? I...
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I read over the weekend that the B&B owners who refused to allow a gay couple to stay have received over 10,000 abusive and threatening phone calls and emails. Ironic, isn't it, that they have...
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If you could go back in time what would you tell some body to do or not to do. Like OK Sir Walter I suggest you dump that chest of tobacco overboard now. Or I wouldn't go to the theater to night Mr...
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Can anyone tell me how long do you normally have to wait for a will to go through probate, my mother died last September and we are still waiting for her will to be read.
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Which is worse: to abuse a child; to cover it up or to make excuses for the cover-up?
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Why would anyone, who doesn't need one, buy one?
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I just found details of this , a mentally ill pilot was allowed to continue to fly despite having an uncontrollable urge to crash planes !!!!!! http://www.telegraph....-to-crash-planes.html...

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