My granddaughter has sent me this Maths question from Canada: How many different teams of 5 players can you pick from 8 players. How many different ways can you pick a team with 2 guards, 1 centre and...
My granddaughter sent me this Maths teaser from Canada: How many different teams of 5 players can be picked from 8 players? Then how many different ways can you pick a team of 2 guards, 1 centre and 2...
Bittern, blackbird, blue tit, curlew, goldfinch, kea, mallard, stint and swan are all varieties of what besides birds. Now that the Quizmail deadline has passed , please could someone tell me the...
I have followed the discussion on Quizmail questions with interest. Since January I have been attempting the quiz on my own as my friend has been ill. I've been sending for answers only most months as...
We have 2 questions left in this local garden quiz.. They are cryptic clues or anagrams of trees or shrubs(possibly American) No. 1. Footpad(6) No. 2. Inside car but usually widespread BC. (7) Thank...
What one same five letter Italian word can precede grosso, sottile, duro and relievo to denote a term in fresco painting. I have a word beginning with "g" which fits 3 of the 4,which is the best I can...