Excellent review of the newly published book on the ‘manosphere’. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/sep/02/men-who-hate-women-by-laura-bates-review-fierce-and-eye-opening Well worth reading....
My forsythia is 10months old, as well as shorter shoots towards the base it has four shoots about 3' long, can I trim them back to match the other growth?
My husband has cut the side & front off our conifer so we are left with the ends of cut off branches sticking up which looks awful., can anyone suggest a way to make it look better.,maybe planting a...
I'm looking for an actual epilator and not a trimmer/razor. All the ones on Amazon seem to be described as epilators but they are not.
Any ideas on pens that pluck rather than shave?...
Answer. There isnt one. This can be the only rational response. There is no *ultimate* meaning, although we are all capable of making *a* meaning of our individual existance. For some, such as...
Some sections of four motorways are going to be cut to 60 mph to reduce pollution - surely it would be better to cut it to 60 across the board rather than just in small sections....
Last autumn I wanted a small bathroom panelled and so I visited a local showroom, picked out some PVC panelling and asked the sales staff to recommend a tradesperson that could fit it for me. All of...
I've heard such comments. I'm reading Verdun 1916, and I live part-time in a French village. It seems to me that they have both. They certainly have a sense of humour, although people who don't...
Got the cool/hot box warming. Going to the local chippy, then drive to one of the millstone edges, probably Burbage. Scoff them and have a nice evening walk. The high life, eh?
Travelling fish and chip van here in rural France is offering pangasuis and chips. Internet says it is a sort of farmed freshwater catfish from Thailand etc and it doesn't sound too good to me. I...
Hello everyone, this is a question for believers. My friend has asked me this question. "If Jesus was returning in the next 5 years, what would you do differently now" I am interested to see how other...