15a Go fast through sharp when getting trim. [7 letters] ?N?R?N? 18a Wastrel to pass the incomplete opening. [11 letters] ?N?P?T?R?F? 21a Rodent with an ailment isolated initially. [6 letters] ?U?G?I...
Do they provide manual information for courier. [5 & 5 letters]
Kill fifty in unusual setting. [8 letters] S???????
Contemplation of an image. [10 letters]...
They set fire to vessels. [8 leters] ?I??????
Ornamental frill with covering underneath. [ 8 letters]
A girl upset by the first of the cook's flavouring. [ 6 letters ] ????I?...
Does he progress by rule of thumb? [5 & 5 letters] To jeopardise a conclusion with passion. [8 letters] Part of a fight and then a whole one - it's fair entertainent. [10 letters] By which the...
18a Vera televised by Brent, handle with care. {6 & 7 letters] ?R?N?A ?L?T?Y?
19d Spoke of conduct of police district . [5 letters] ?A?O?
21d Egotistical dedication for a book. [4 letters] T?M?...
7a Agree with twenty-first friend. [5 letters]
1d Used to be hard timber divide in a laundry. [9 letters] ???H?O???
6d Old grim smell. [5 letters] ?D???...
Boy takes it to be about or of sea level. [5 letters] ??D?L Is this LADEL but why
Pinch some territory before getting frail. [5 letters] ??E?K Is this TWEEK why...
Large brick used as a windshield. [letters 6 & 5] ?R?E?? ???C?
Turn to follow Bill? [3 letters] A?T
Leave a snare the editor falls over. [6 letters] ???A?T...
Bagpipe parts for the church choir. [8 letters] ??????R? Charge for freight-mind the label is inside. [7 letters] ????A?E could this be LUGGAGE? It could be claimed to be a mathematical point. [7...
Lawrence has the charm of an Indian washwerman. [5lettars] D?O?I
Relating to the sense of touch of the current first time leader. [7 letters] T?C?U?L...
Noisy fun when bar overturns next to rallway. [7 letters] ?E???R?
Is outside being wild and mutineous. [9 letters] ???I?I???
Simple change to good spot. [7 letters] ?L?M?S?...