11. Children in Need's Bear 12 Proffessor Sugar 13 A dog needs this to be secure 14 An organ game 15 Electrical cables 17 Russian irritation 18 Ring this quickley 19 Heavy toilet 20 An animals funeral...
23 Bird & water (7) 24 Destroys meat(7) 25 Entrance yo a public school(9) 28 letter to spare (5) 32 Silent chips (8) 34 Dark liquid(9) 35 Rug curl (7) 40 Young girl top (10) 43 Monarch stops horse...
Many thanks for your answers I have the last four to do they are:- 1 Fruit/veg, drink and game this is a drink 6 letters. 2 The Spanish article is in our hotel 7 letters this is something edible. 3...
9a high singing, not true to follow ther first (8) -a-s---- 13a needed for checking game (5,3) -h------ 17a tries to get the truth in kitchen (6) -r---- 25a island in djakarta hit in many ways (6)...
just a few questions I'm stuck on like BOOMED -----N
CHARITY --N--O-----
Thank you for any help you can give me
44A) Rich bread confection in the form of a small roll made with large quantities of butter and eggs ? _ R _ O _ H _? 7D) The study of language and its historical development ? P _ I _ O _ O _ Y? 24D)...
1. A city plus two vowels 2. Sounds like a chart topper 3. This doesn't belong to Dawn French 4. The second part of this bar is obtained from the first part. 5. Did this come before the French cream...