An explosion has rocked Oslo, and according to the latest news report it was a bomb. Who would do such a thing, and to what purpose? I know London has had it's fair share, but Norway? or is no country...
Just by chance, by looking in, I discovered the answer to 9 down "Skittle over an unfamiiar newsreader" The answer is Kate Silverton. (Very unfamiliar to me, but she may be on... Not heard anyone complaining about these lies, had it been the Daily Mail rather than the Guardian who had published these lies, certain ABers would be...
If you ask me, everybody should get holidays off. No q's asked. I'd like answers from rel bosses please. Holidays are time to spend w/ family, not macines that stamp the M on M&M'S candies!
Don't usually watch Eastenders, but as big David Essex fan decided to tune in and watch him. He still has "it"; twinkly eyes intact. Gravelly Essex voice still sexy and cool. But O M G his...
Presenting the football last night: Adrian Chiles, Harry Redknapp and Gareth Southgate. (does Roy Keane count as ugly?)
Has there ever been an uglier group of men on screen at the same time?...
Just supposing, hypothetically ... someone was going to buy you a summer hat.
Would you prefer ...
a Panama ?
a Boater ?
something else ?