i went out one night with my dad to eat and there was this really cute cat. couldn't be bothered to eat so i gave my food to the cat. i then saw this guy flicking the cat away. i felt so sorry fo it....
when i was 3 i wanted to become a doctor. i wasn't sure what type though. when i was 5 i wanted to become an ER doctor. at 7 i wanted to become a heart surgeon/brain surgeon (i wasn't sure). at 10 i...
im a boxer (not professional but i have been boxing for a bit over 2 months, 2 times a week). im really good at it but i think i need to build a bit of upper body strength. my teacher wants me to get...
i have bulimia. i binge and purge 1-2 times a day. at some point i stopped but a week later i started again. im 59 kg and really want to lose another 10kg. my mum is constantly telling me that she...
i am 14 and have been dieting for 3 months. now im 59kg and 5''7. i really want to lose another 7 kg but it's really hard. i diet and half way through the day i binge till i feel sick and purge it...