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HELP!!!! my childhood home has been invaded by these little s*&ts, and my poor dad is at his wits end. They have put bate down but to no avail they are still attacking the back door is there...
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She was terrible, out of tune - why didn't she go - is it because Laura isn't sh***in the x factor producer anymore?
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Have just seen my name as a runner up in The Express Skeleton crossword. A ?25 prize. Am overjoyed as I have been doing this for well over 20 years with no luck.
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12 down star turning up around five, 24 across an animal put on an island, 17 down wine bar of reasonable quality
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3d. Girl of one - this way up. I have R?S?. Think it must be ROSE but do not know why? Can anyone explain? Thanks in advance
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12 Across Animal enchanter; a pal if worked on ( 2 words)

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