I can't work out the last one , so can I ask for help from you clever people out there .
23 down , Oriental cooking ingredient used to be somewhat reduced 6 , -a-a-i
Thank you...
Stuck on 7 down , A Scottish team fires trainee , leaving sour taste ? If this is a sports reference I am out of my depth , so help please
Thanks a million...
Yet again struggling to get started today , can I ask for 19 across please . Doctor met us coming in , taking ages 4-9
Really appreciate your help , thank you...
Feel quite proud I have almost finished , but stuck on last one , so help please with 18 down , Idly draw unemployment benefit to secure overdraft ? D-o-l-
Thank you...
Struggling to get started today so may I ask for help to get going .1 across please , Collection includes rare work : "The Study of Man " 12 letters , thank you in advance...
Thank you all for previous answer , can I ask just one more please 29 across , Former long-standing custom leads to deportation ? 11 letters E---------n .
Thank you very much...