Why don't the food bank (Trussell trust) have charity shops? Ive been with the foodbank for about 6 weeks now and know that they have overheads to pay for (in the warehouse that im working in they...
I always had a feeling this was going to catch some people out. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/news/article-6182141/Hard-working-families-hounded-pay-thousands-falling-foul-child-benefit-rules.html...
Do you trust politicians?...
Is the whole hygiene thing a bit of a con? Even Dettol are making washing powder now, but is there really an issue with a few bugs, especially in your sheets? My son is 12 and, I'm guessing like many...
No, not a homework question! Just in a long and varied education and life I’ve never really understood the importance or relevance of The Tables.
So, a simple explanation please.
My partner has her iTunes library, I have mine - both about 30Gb, similar with differences. Are there any programs which will merge the two libraries and end up with one library, no duplicates,...
I can’t be the only person, (am in my late sixties and fairly healthy), who lives alone and worries about having a heart attack or a stroke and not being able to summon help. I know that sounds very...
According to my profile I have been on here 6 years and only asked 8 questions,so I am still ,here so another failed attempt to get rid rather vindictive and pathetic,but let’s all agree to be...
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/terror-arrests-white-people-number-home-office-ethic-group-asian-a8535551.html Now there's a surprise, couldn't have anything to do with the the police...
Judge Rinder today: 17year old girl escaped the civil war and atrocities in DRC/Rwanda and came to UK with no education and could n't speak the language. Within 3 years she learnt English and was...
Checking on a DPD coming delivery, and the time-band was 0600 to 1200!
That’s six a.m.
On querying it, I was told that was the time they started delivering. Not round here it isn’t!
https://www.nhs.uk/Tools/Pages/heartage.aspx Filled it in, and although I know I’m scarcely fit, wasn’t expecting a “heart age” nearly 30 years over my real years. Shouldn’t have done it, of...
Thinking of using the vegetarian frozen meal supplier Allplant to supplement our eating (as Mrs B has broken her wrist and thus our normally-shared cooking is now solely my task). Anyone here used...