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11a The same hectare in Middle Eastern capital (4) I have d_h_ , if 7d "studious" and 1d "depth charge" are correct. Any help would be appreciated....
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A hard ornamental stone Of varying shades of green (4). - I - e
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Scotsman Factfinder 5dArchaic tErm for small hAvens or ports Especially landing places on riVers (6)...
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Stuck on 20a. Half-a-dozen having no wine. _i_m I guess I must be blind....
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help required with the following 7d one designing kaleidoscope (7-5) ?a???l? ??l?? 17a forces one's way in with awful clumsiness,saints excluded.(6-2)????l? ?? 16d sorcery which they say can be found...
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Stuck on several clues this week. Any help would be appreciated! 7d medium sized mammals of a family of New world pigs (9). P-c-a-I-s 15d a large shallow lake or marsh (9), e---f---e ( if taffeta is...
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Small northern town laid out as a model village in 1803 7 letters H?L?I?K...
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Small northern town laid out as a model village in 1803 7 letters ??L?I?K...
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18 across - "I take a minute to get the skinny girl" (6) I have i-o--n and "imogen" would fit; but I don't see the logic for "gen" or the reference to "skinny."...
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Am stuck on these 6a Straw, especially of gathered plants ? A ? M 15d A colour ranging from light pink to deep crimson C?R?A???? 27a The shaft of a vehicle T???l 29a River rising in Countay Cavan ......
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1. across. Jittery invigilator ran off having skin disease (8) ????l??? 17 across. Method of distributing polygonal figures. (7.7) ????m??. ?e?l?n?...
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Last would be appreciated. 30a Old term meaning to have wiped out. N?L?E? Could it be nilled or nulled?...
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16d Bring together. I?N?E?. The I may be wrong, I think instep???
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Stuck on two - 4Down supplmentary course 9 letters 12 across expression in speech,say,can vary on the point 9letters...
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19ac. An explosive made from picric acid. I have malonate is this right. many thanks in advance
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27a scots for bellows roars or blasts soundlike english for vanquishes (5) R?O?S Thanx in advancxe...
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Scribbler was at sea in cutter (7) H?C???? Pair destroyed short picture concerned with sexuality (7) ??E???B Letter from Athens about coarse prime minister (7)??U???N All help much appreciated...
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two small stripes (3 words) any help please...
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xword addict
I am stuck on 3 answers any help ill be apreciated. 14 A Governess of the French queen returning D?I??? 17 A It's used for shooting without ammunition C?E??? 11 D Watch the book-worm - h knows what...
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Stuck on 14D. An instrument with a wheel used for drawing lines on a map (10) I have i_i_o_e_e_ and I think these are sound. Any help to put an end to my misery would be appreciated!...

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