Help required, please. I am struggling with top left hand corner pf puzzle, need help to get me started again 1d exhibition of skills, 5 letter word R???? 3d sulphur, 9 letter word starts with letter...
help required, please 4d Dealing out in small portions, 6 letter word D?L?N? Lancelot 25d Scottish island ?U?L- Mull? cryptic 2508 1a second falling building is obstacle, 2 words 9 and 5 letters...
help required please with last few clues 1d \'membrane\' a film holding nothing back, 6 letters M?C?S? 19a this animal will need that horn regularly trimmed, 4 letter word beginning with T 27a...
struggling with last few clues, any help or suggestions would be much appreciated, please 1D Handle party backing, 5 letter word ?E?E? 4d grille causing irritation 7 letter word ?R?T?N? 19d animal...
25a perfect pitch for a hermit, 8 letter word ????A?E? 21a vegetable container, 6 letter word ?E?P?? 7d Toy soldiers, 2 words 3 & 7 letters TIN ?R?G??? would appreciate any suggestions, please...
1d lake dwelling in Scotland & Ireland, 7 letter word C?A?N?G Herculis 21d style of sleeve with deep armhole and tight cuff, 7 letters ??T???? appreciate any suggestions, please thank you...
help required please, as have ground to a halt 17d is it possible for a saint to have a game of cards, 7 letter word, second letter A 13d gem of a game, 9 letter word ???I?A??? 15a stake through the...
Help required please with last few clues 12a author collecting royalty as person prdoducing books 7 letter word P?????R 2d person from elsewhwere putting gold in counterfeit soverign- 9 letter word...
struggling this week Help neede to get me going again, please 12a Excellent material\'s for old comedy series, 2 words 7 and 5 letters ?I?P?S? ??R?? 20a Magican\'s greeting, 2 words 4 and 6 letters...
help required please with final 2 clues
12a by freighter, 7 letter word O?E???A
6d early grenade 2 words, 5 and 4 letters M?L?? BOMB
appreciate amy suggestions, please
Thank you...
Help required please, have gone wrong and need assistance 13d examine methodically 7 letter word A?A?Y?N 57a greeting, 7 letter word H?I?ING also following answers I had don't fit in had roams for...
help required, please 59a destructive, 7 letter word ????E?T 59d ex-serviceperson, 7 letter word ??T?R?? 76a recount 7 letter word ????A?E 5d griddle cake, 5 letter word S?O?E- wondered if answer...
Help required please as have ground to a halt
14a songbird, 5 letters ??B?N
20a requisite 9 letters ??C?S?A??
28d preoccupation, 9 letters ??S?S????
apprciate any suggestions
Many thanks...
Help required please,
6d cut, slice, 5 letter word S?V??
17a satisfied, full 5 letter word S?T?R
12a examined thoroughly ???B?D, wondere if answer is combed?
, please
Thank you...
Help required please with last couple of clues 12a revealed block in strangely ideal setting, 2 words both 4 letters ???? B?R? 13a Note, one flowing from antique instrument, 6 letters ?E?E?K 14d...
20d Space? It became sterile, 7 letter word ?S?P??? 13d Irishman on church plot 5 letter word ?A??H 23d Growing no end of fruit, 6 letter word R?I??? would appreciate any suggestions, please Many...