Dear All, Can anyone name a rising British star, who was formerly head chef at River Cafe.? would appreciate any suggestions thank very much kind regards
a 6 letter word beginning with the letter c or d that connects after the word dairy, and before the word grid- would appreciate any suggestions Thanks very much
Help required please with last two 16a is out when one knocks- believe the answer is strikes? 18d if that's bent back again, will break, believe the answer is shatter? confirmation required please, or...
Am really struggling with this weeks puzzlae, need help to get going again, please 3d violent struggle in the belfry, 3 words 4,4 and 6 letters ?i?g ?o?? ??????- wonder if first 2 words are ding dong...
Am stumped by these clues, any assistance would be greatly appreciated 12d Fielder's slogan, 2 words 5 and 6 letters, 2nd word p?r?s? 22d praise for raising the twin trapped in a hole 7 letters...
help required with last 2 clues, please 8d it gives indication on routes, speed limits, potential hazards etc, 2 words 4 and 4 road ??g? 12a tastlessly showy , 6 letters b?a??? appreciate any...
Have completed the questions to reveal the letters, but unable to unscramble these, which make an anagram of the celebrity's name. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated KYERPYTRA 1st name...
Help required please 11d the craftily potted one dropped in- sneaked in, 7 letter word T???o?? 21d Took on staff, being busy, 7 letter word ??g?g?w 23d Let fly about it, having a right to 5 letter...
am struggling with last few clues, any assistance greatly appreciated 22a, warning of reduced activity, 6 letters l?s?o? believe anwer could be lesson? 9a shoot an African and you'll get jail, 8...
struggling with last few, very frustratuing, and help or suggestions much appreciated 4d Article eaten by a dog, freak 6 letters m???n? 13a one in the factory is easily influenced, 6 letters ?l?a?? 5d...
Help required please with last 2 20d kitchen utensil with wide flat blade, used to turn or serve food from a frying pan, 2 words 5 and 4 ?i?h ?l?c? 15a 20th century astronomer who rejected the big...
Wish to confirm a couple of answers, please RT No 29 10a Teenager making beverage, 2 words 5 and 3 letters, believe answer is green tea? RT N0 30 15a over and above concealed balcony, 7 letters,...
1help required, please 19d very keen to get one into art 8 letters p???t??? 10a bottle the remains of the water ?e?t?a?? 6 d wispered answer to small yield? 2 words, 3 and 6 letters ?o? ??t???...
I was not able to buy a Daily Express newspaper today, and particularly like the Friday Puzzles, DITLOIDS, WORDS, MUDDLESOME, QUIZ OF THE WEEK, CLOCK-WISE and the MENATHALON. Would be grateful if...
wondered if anyone has achieved or exceeded the target score of 68 points? I have only managed 63 with 'surfboard' would appreciate any other suggestions Many thanks
Help please with final clue sacred tree- thought the answer would be Gospel Oak, but this is a min -line station. My second thought was Royal Oak, any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated...