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2down. Allot. D - S - O - E. 7.down. Recluse, Hermit. E _ E _ I _ E. 9down. Piano piece, say - O - A - A. thank you for all help...
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8A. U.S.Trademark name for Terylene. D---O-................&.............9D.Albert French novelist and essayist, & playwright.---M-S
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27)He who looks after (6) 80)Not the first or second male(3,5,3)............thought it was "The Third Man" but can only find reference to a film, not a TV programme....
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answers are birds Thought I had finished but 1 left In you it could be extinct (6,6) The word you is in bold type. Thankyou....
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Two left to do - any help appreciated here! 35a a person of no financial substance (3.2.5) man of -T-A-, 18d bones of the foot (5 letters) T - R - I .
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musical about old model is nonsense(3,3).3d ho??i? 8a power of welish rowing crew(6). ?e?g?? 9a cover put on the tv(6). s?????...
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Could someone please help with the following? 5D. Dept of N. France whose name is equivalant of Strait of Dover. Thanks in advance.
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10A Carry out an illegal suspension (5) (L???H) 6D Mouth-organs? (7) (T???U?S)...
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stuck on this one q1 a horses head used in this game(6) thanks for help
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17.d (7) Clue: Cook too little u---r-- 21a (3,6) Clue: Former ideology o--, -c-o-l (presume this is school? 26a. (8) Clue: Missile e---e- Think we must have used up brain cells on aforesaid win!!...
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30A, Bikini for example
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After many years of doing crosswords, especially prize ones on a Sunday, we have won £25.00!! Don't be disheartend, it is possible, and our thanks to all the clever people out there who help...
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I need help please 9a toilets established to be absolute free [7] l?o?e?? 19a itinerant tinker worked with current company on island [7]??d?c??...
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an ethical dilemma wher the border between right and wrong is blurred.g?e? a?e?
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important group of deities of phrygian origin is it cybels cos it dosen't fit with old harry 10 down Thanks
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How do I get an Avatar? Thanks in advance for any help.
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26d Worm catcher it's said (5,4) E?R?Y ?I?D...
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mos 17 a in the bible another name for jacob it looks like isreal i-r-e- cheers
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1a eighties funk - based electronically edited disco music =b===t=== 11a steel-grey element of atomic number 58=e===a thanks...
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Stuck on last 2: 29a) Get up new gin cocktail that affects tightness of gut. (6,3) I have t - ning p - - and 30d) Pistol's good moved to the fron for one doing stick-up? (5) I have - - u - r Thanks...

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