Do people here who ask for help to do their crosswords or puzzles and get help to finish them tell their friends they've completed the puzzle. (without mentioning AB helped them) I always thinkyou're...
We have just booked a week at Juniper cottage. October, so should be cosy in the evenings and good for dog walks all day.
Thank you for bringing it to our attention - looks lovely....
Looking for a competent and well priced B2B cleaning service in the Liverpool area. I have an office just outside town with 3 floors, they all need cleaning and inside too.
Hi everyone . Still stuck on I Initially a a T.V Programme 2 Sounds like a description of Lady Godiva 3 Religious building with what is usually behind in front 4 Cull ane bothy (anagram )...
Do you think Countdown has reached its sell-by date?? If they insist on having Jo Brand as a guest then I, for one, will stop watching. The woman is embarrassing.