You can get married in a registry office for under £200 so why do people say they can't afford to have a wedding? I have a cousin who postponed her wedding this year as they couldn't afford the...
I'm a week late for my usually very regular periods (28 day cycle) but i took a test yesterday & was negative, have any women had a negative test a week after missing their period then took one...
I've been thinking lately about changing career, I'm 32 & am thinking about retraining to become a primary school teacher. Do people have any advice on possible routes & has anyone made the...
Been with my bf for 3 years now (known him much longer), early this month we had unprotected sex..he was completely aware I was no longer taking any form of contraception & used the pull out...
I'm 6 days late for my period on a usually very regular 28 day cycle, i had unprotected sex 18 days ago in what i now know was my fertile week, i've never been pregnant before so not sure what...
have an assignment to submit tomorrow at 4, I've known about it for weeks but because i'm gormless have left it until now, any tips on getting motivated or ppl in similar pickles? it has to be 1500...
Any tips on getting out more? I've recently moved to a new area, am single and in late twenties, i don't drink or feel comfortable in clubs, all I seem to do is go to work four times a week, go to...
the answer to this question is the cause of some debate between my friend and me, i swear i read he was in some influential gay list ,but he thinks he looks too straight, also is simon schama gay? i...