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before i start well done chelsea they deserved it on the day but mourinho winding the liverpool fans up when they scored was out of order he should have a touch more respect as much as fergie is hated...
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My wife's new boss is a complete and utter idiot. She has only been in the job a couple of weeks and hates him (he is the owner of the business) - seems my wife can do no right! Anyway, she was typing...
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I know what FMCG stands for (at least I am pretty sure that I do). But please give some examples of what does (and what does not) count as FMCG.  Why has the term arisen?  I have seen...
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Graham R
I live in a terraced property with a long straight boundary down both sides of my garden - about 90 foot.I have just returned from a 2 week holiday to find that my neighbour has taken down and put up...
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I know this point has already been made, but I'm just curious to see how many users have a problem with the white background. IMHO it is to harsh on the eyes and makes my eyes hurt after long periods...
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Can anyone suggest a places to go for good eating / drinking for a night out in Sao Paulo city centre?
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Anybody have any novel ideas for passing those tedious hours on board a plane staring at a headrest. 
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After a wasteful afternoon's work discussing claims to fame all  I could come up with was that I once gave Van  Morrison a cup of tea.  Lame I know.  Let's have yours...
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What can I buy my fiancee for a wedding present? Not diamonds because its a bit too pricey. Something inside ?100....HELP! Was thinking about naming a star after her? Is that ok?
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Several news items this week have told of the number of accidents involving emergency vehicles, usually police vehicles, travelling at speed. This morning I saw 4 vehicles travelling with their lights...
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everytime I get nervous, I come out in a horrible blotchy red rash on my neck and chest and when it's really bad it goes down my arm.  I always try to cover my neck as much as possible but it...
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Which is the "Healthiest" cigarette you can smoke? the lowest tar, lowest nicotene etc?
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That question got very bigggg... If the AB editor has to edit the answers, surely he/she/He/She can advise us by now whether God exists or not. Or at least, the answer to life, the universe, and...
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When boxers are fighting, often when they are tired they hug each other and then the ref splits them up, why is this?
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I find it impossible to select text on this website. As soon as I start to click and drag, half the page gets selected. Does anyone else have this problem? Is it likely to be fixed?
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Choc Drop
I've just set up my own business, and quitting my full-time job in 2 months' time to be able to run it. I plan to do some part-time work while getting the business off the ground. Does anyone know of...
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When we in the Northern Hemisphere look at a globe, the North Pole is over the top of our heads and we are standing upright (OK.  In UK, leaning a bit to the side because of our latitude!!!). In...
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i was driving at night...i stopped by the police,saying i was doing 85mph in 60mph speed zone......he gave me a 3 points and ?60 fine........and i have to produce my papers to police station..i have...
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a while back i saw some pink cheese with white bits in, does anybody know what kind of cheese it is? Thank you :o)
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my boyfriend lost his passport last year and was unable to go on the holiday we had booked. He was skint at the time so I paid for the holiday and he was paying me back bits at a time.... I found...

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