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smudge 11
i had a root canal filling years ago but since November had niggling toothache in that tooth,been to dentist twice where he has rerooted and cleaned the tooth out ,its got a temporary filling in and i...
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Every time I go out of my door, my neighbours dog barks. This is getting extremely tiresome, and when sat in my garden talking to friends, it continually barks. Is there a device I could install to...
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that have never affected you before?
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My Dad said he heard Michael Buble's new track on the radio today. Apparently it's a cover and, according to my lovely Dad, he "murders it". I've not heard it, so have no idea what song it is. Can...
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I have been inside a relationship with same girl for around 10months now and she's a smoker. I ask her to prevent smoking 8 weeks ago and she or he stopped. But she recently acquired the bad habit...
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just curious but when you buy a bottle of medicine or some tablets or tube of cream or some such, do you store it in the cardboard box it came in? or do you throw it away? i have noticed my parents...
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mikey4444 Amazing photo from New Zealand ! I am far from being a prude but surely he should have kept...
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Mic and I have been married over 34 years. When either of us used the bathroom we never commented on what we did whilst in there. To us it was go in close the door and come out when you have finished...
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Just read an article whish states that Mango have launched a plus size range from size 12! When the...
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Sky News are saying there are strong indications that they have but I can't find anything more on t'internet. Has anyone seen further news?
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two of my friends have been arguing and we are trying to finish it and was wondering if anyone can help ok ill start at the beginning two of my friends one is from America and the other is from...
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Does my friend have feelings for me?I met this guy a few years ago at a drama class and I see him often with the other friends I've made. Recently we've started to have sex after nights out. The bad...
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i posted on here a few weeks ago about how my son had ran away to his fathers, over 100 miles away. despite me driving to see him and him saying I have done nothing wrong whatsoever he still wants to...
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'' we will not be having a full time nanny '',,,,,,,,,,,,,,ok we changed our minds. LOL
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I had planned to travel to see my friend this weekend who I have not seen in years, I live on the south coast, they live in the North, so for me a 4+ hour drive each way. When I was talking to another...
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So I have been close friends with this girl for 2 years and I have a crush on her. I've asked her out 2 times but both timers she kinda played it off but we still talked and were close friends after...
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I have been in my current relationship for 3 yrs. My boyfriend and I needed help moving so we paid for the help of my daughter and her husband. Us paying them to help us move made it possible for them...
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I have two daughters aged 13 and 11. The eldest has turned evil. She is so horrible to me that it makes me cry. The worst is that she physically attacks her sister all the time and has broken so many...
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Hi , I'm a student in linguistics and I'm studying people's attitudes toward accents. Could you please spare 5 minutes and help me fill in this survey? It consists of 6 short sentences, all you need...
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Hi, just wondered if anyone has travelled in a taxi with a baby. Does the taxi provide a car seat for the baby or for a child at all. Also when travelling abroad on holiday, if you hire a car, or...

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