q1 travel and dance in circles
q2 obe:mbe:cbe
q3 vanity-it destroys
q4 reddish purple dessert
q5 parse it
q6 old fashioned jailer loses his direction...
q1 definitely the winner q2 children do it only if he says so q3 place your foot in front of a chicken q4 sounds as if he can help the girl from green gables q5 a doubter q6 this sheep had a ladder...
q1 which is the odd one out gruyere,roquefort,munster or camembert q2 highest post office in england q3 what do flora,ramsey and jane have in common q4 what in old scots was sometimes referred to as a...
q1 surely they did not hang moll flanders here-that must be wrong q2 sounds like an average letter near the start of the alphabet [9] q3 the devil danced through this town while the bard stayed there...
q1 what is the name given to a car built between 1919 and 1930 q2 if you were 10 fathems under the sea how deep would you be q3 who invented the first flush toilet q4 when does a flag fly the blue...
q2 depart on time into the glenkens [6] q17 surely they did not hang moll flanders here-that must be wrong [17] q20 sound like an average letter near the start of the alphabet [9] q26 the devil danced...
q1 the devil danced through thistown while the bard stayed there q2 turn under and add a double dose of the fertilisers key element to old abbeys ground [10] q3 sounds like an average letter near the...
q1 l comes before bird,like and ship
q2 h comes before carbon,electric and foil
q3 a is called the guardian of river banks
q4 i means to call into question...