Stuck on two Daily Tel. Quick Xword:
1 across To Raise - so far I have ?U?Y
10 across: Plant of the lily family - a?p?o?e?
Any answers please, please, please!...
14 across clue is 'food fish'. The only answer I can come up with that fits is 'plaice' but I don't understand what the question means. Can anyone enlighten me-please!
5 down. I am not convinced of the answer I have for 4 across (pick = choose) but I cannot find the answer to 5 down: clue-frustrated. I have h?m?e?ed. Can anyone put me right?
D Tel Quick 25 across
clue Guard (5-8)
I have: n?e?t ?a?c?m?n Think I must have gone wrong somewhere. If some kind soul would put me out of my misery I would be most grateful....