Prepare to confront figure out of bed (6,2), ?????e up Still we object to discharge, (7), ??i???s Friend Dee in turmoil gave another meaning, (9), r????????
In which there's many a patient rehearsal, (8), ???c???e Excellent pace in bottom gear, (5,4), ????t ?a?? This clue wont hold water, (6), ?o???s Previously the Father of the house, (5), ?????
The old commander included traitor of a divine ruler, (10), ?h???r?t?c Army getting in classy alkaline substance,(6), ?????h Own scottish plant on course, (7), ??n?r?e
Bloody optimistic, (8), ?????i?? Watch a pet devour info printed on it, (6-4)?????? ?a?? Brass found by ben green's amazon organisation, (9-6) ??n?????? ????n??