Going with the current trend, (9), ??????v?r Hardly chilly, (8,4), ???????? c?l? Theres no getting below this on the thermometer,(8,4) a???l??? ???? One lady accepts doctor that is for another lady,...
It means musicians are not to loiter in the bar, (7), ???e?r? Tell people you've had enough then keep quiet, (3,2,4) ?a? n? t??? A person who discredits an old woman, (3), ?n? Long time coming to the...
Crossword addicts should be used to such setbacks, (9), ???e?s?l? Tell people you've had enough then keep quiet, (3,2,4) ?a? ?? t??? Squander food, (7), ???t???
Patriarchal work of art, (6), ?o?a?? Notch 20, (5), ???r? After 11 an unrestrained egghead became a writer, (5), ?i?d? The first and last letters on the highest stone, (5), ?o?a? Sick in front of...
Fagins pupils were members of it, (8,5), ?r???n?? ?l?s? An original Christmas gift, (4), g??? Fashion that is going out, (6), ?o???e Game unsuitable for women, (4), ?t?? Boats wrecked by a wind, (4),...
Noisy debate is still logical, (5,8), ??u?? ???????t Just a fraction of a rugby team, (5,8), ??r?? ?u?r???? Not a bow, not even a smile apparently, (5), s???n Room for mental improvement perhaps, (5),...