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Was doing well, then ground to a halt! Help please with 8a Menagerie's conveniences, say, for Africans? (5) 11a Kitchener's formula for success? (6) 26a One reeks dreadfully of paraffin (8) Thanks!
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9a Aardvark (7) 11d Male domestic fowl (7) Help please!
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stuck on 24a: Northeast Republican contender more easily disturbed Have done all the rest but this one has me stumped! Help please.
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Hi foks! Running late this weekend. Finished all of Saturday GK except 27d: range of luxury cars which replaced the Silver Shadow. Chandos is the only thing that fits in with my grid - but I've never...
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Harder today! I'm stuck on loads! 9a Troubled by spiders, me? Overpowered (9) Is it inundated? If so, why? 10d Place of crime, a little bit run down (8) Renounce is what fits, but again, why? I've got...
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1a: They might offer a sea view (3,7) I thought 2d: Delivery from northern city to our monarch? (6) could be either manner or banner but that confuses me on 1a. Help please!
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Almost finished: only one left is 7d (6) Slowly and awkwardly move unwanted furniture. I've got lubber but I don't understand why that is the answer.
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6d "run into Jack the actor, in a manner of speaking" Any ideas please?
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Still struggling with 14d: "daughter's marriage in amorous play" Help anyone?
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Need help today! 14d "daughter's marriage in amorous play" (9) 15d "Flat, a standard makeshift dwelling housing male" (9)
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17a penetrate enemy defences in a major advance. Help please!
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53 across?
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Really need help with 3d w _k_ s_ a_ ?

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